In the rugged mountains of Uzbekistan's Zarafshan region, harsh winters once meant enduring blackouts and the daily struggle of life without reliable electricity.
As 2024 comes to an end, the accelerating evolution of profound global changes unseen in a century has become increasingly evident. From the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis to the Palestine-Israel conflict, from the sudden fall of Syria’s Assad administration to the impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, the intertwining characteristics of global changes and chaos have stood out more sharply, with issues of security disorder, developmental imbalances, and governance failures growing more prominent. Humanity once again stands at a crossroads.
The concept of "Hehe" in Chinese culture, with the first "He" embodying harmony, peace and balance and the second representing convergence, unity and cooperation, is central to both the individual and collective mind-set in China.
The CCTV4 "Festival of Spring 2025" Gala
State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company Successfully Completes First Comprehensive UAV Patrol of Distribution Lines
it.com Domains Partners with Dynadot to Build Effective Digital Identities for the IT Sector
LONGi Chairman Zhong Baoshen Spoke at Davos 2025 Conference: Global Cooperation Will Accelerate the Adoption of Photovoltaic Technology, Empowering Humanity to Achieve Energy Equity
State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company is spearheading a "green transformation" in the region's traditional industrial base
State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company Installs Distributed Optical Fiber Temperature Sensing Early Warning System in Substations
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